Watch The Heartbreak Agency (2024) online

- Year: 2024
- Genre: Comedy / Romance / New Film
- Quality: Full HD / ULTRAHD 4K
- Country: Germany
- Time: 1h 34m
- Director: Shirel Peleg
- Stars: Rosalie Thomass, Laurence Rupp, Cora Trube, Jakob Schreier
Storyline The Heartbreak Agency (2024)
The Heartbreak Agency follows a group of recently heartbroken individuals who come together to start a unique business venture - an agency that specializes in helping others through their heartbreaks. Led by the charismatic and charming director, they use their personal experiences and expertise to guide their clients through the healing process. As they navigate the ups and downs of love and loss, they learn valuable lessons about resilience, self-discovery, and the true meaning of love. Directed by Shirel Peleg, this heartfelt and humorous film explores the complexities of relationships and the power of human connection.