Watch Bedspacer (2024) online

- Year: 2024
- Genre: Drama / Thriller / New Film / Erotic
- Quality: Full HD / ULTRAHD 4K
- Country: Philippines
- Time: 1h 30m
- Director: Carlo Obispo
- Stars: Christine Bermas, Micaella Raz, Aria Bench, Aila Cruz
Storyline Bedspacer (2024)
Bedspacer follows the story of a young woman named Joy who moves to Manila in search of a better life. With limited resources, she decides to become a bedspacer and rent a small room in a crowded boarding house. Through her interactions with her roommates, Joy learns about the struggles and aspirations of the people around her. As she navigates the challenges of living on her own in a big city, Joy forms deep friendships and discovers the true meaning of family. Directed by Carlo Obispo, Bedspacer is a heartwarming and relatable tale of resilience, friendship, and finding home in unexpected places.