Watch Cinderella's Revenge (2024) online

- Year: 2024
- Genre: Horror / New Film
- Quality: Full HD / ULTRAHD 4K
- Country: United States
- Time: 1h 25m
- Director: Andy Edwards
- Stars: Lauren Staerck, Natasha Henstridge, Stephanie Lodge, Beatrice Fletcher
Storyline Cinderella's Revenge (2024)
Cinderella's Revenge follows the classic fairy tale character, Cinderella, as she is pushed to her breaking point by her wicked stepmother and stepsisters. Fed up with their mistreatment and deceptions, Cinderella decides to take matters into her own hands and seek vengeance against those who have wronged her.
With the help of some magical allies and her own cunning wit, Cinderella embarks on a journey of revenge, using her newfound powers to outsmart and outmaneuver her enemies. As she navigates the dangerous world of deceit and betrayal, Cinderella must confront her own inner demons and discover what truly matters to her.
Directed by Andy Edwards, Cinderella's Revenge is a thrilling and dark retelling of the classic fairy tale, blending fantasy, action, and drama to create a gripping and empowering story of redemption and justice. Join Cinderella on her quest for revenge as she fights back against those who have tried to keep her down, and discovers the strength and courage within herself to rise above her circumstances.