Watch Vadakkupatti Ramasamy (2024) online

- Year: 2024
- Genre: Comedy / Drama / New Film
- Quality: Full HD / ULTRAHD 4K
- Country: India
- Time: 2h 26m
- Director: Karthik Yogi
- Stars: Santhanam, Megha Akash, Nizhalgal Ravi, M.S. Bhaskar
Storyline Vadakkupatti Ramasamy (2024)
Vadakkupatti Ramasamy is a heartwarming story of an elderly man who resides in a small village in Tamil Nadu. He is loved and respected by everyone in the village for his wisdom, compassion, and sense of humor.
Director Karthik Yogi beautifully captures the essence of village life through the lens of Ramasamy's life. The film delves into the relationships he shares with his neighbors, his family, and his surroundings. Through his interactions with the people in the village, we see the impact he has on everyone's lives, spreading joy and positivity wherever he goes.
As Ramasamy faces various challenges and obstacles in his later years, he relies on his inner strength and the support of his loved ones to overcome them. The film showcases the importance of community, family, and love in navigating life's ups and downs.
Vadakkupatti Ramasamy is a poignant and heartwarming tale