Watch Noah's Ark (2024) online

- Year: 2024
- Genre: Adventure / Animation / Musical / New Film
- Quality: Full HD / ULTRAHD 4K
- Country: Brazil, India
- Time: 1h 24m
- Director: Alois Di Leo, Sergio Machado, René Veilleux
- Stars: Rodrigo Santoro, Marcelo Adnet, Alice Braga, Keith Silverstein
Storyline Noah's Ark (2024)
This movie follows the story of Noah's Ark, the Biblical tale of a great flood that cleansed the Earth of evil. Directed by Alois Di Leo, Sergio Machado, and René Veilleux, the film showcases the struggle of Noah and his family as they work tirelessly to build an ark to save themselves and the animals from the impending flood. However, they face opposition from those who do not believe in the prophecy and must overcome challenges to ensure their survival. With stunning visuals and a powerful message of faith and perseverance, Noah's Ark is a captivating retelling of this timeless story.