Watch (Pri)sons (2024) online

- Year: 2024
- Genre: Action / Crime / Thriller / New Film
- Quality: Full HD / ULTRAHD 4K
- Country: Finland
- Time: 1h 40m
- Director: Esa Jussila
- Stars: Jarmo Pukkila, Ari Savonen, Jere Saarela, Katriina Rajaniemi
Storyline (Pri)sons (2024)
"Pri(sons)" is a gritty, gripping thriller directed by Esa Jussila. The film follows the story of a group of prisoners who must navigate the dangerous and treacherous world of a maximum-security prison. As tensions rise and alliances are tested, the prisoners must confront their pasts and decide what they are willing to do to survive. With a talented ensemble cast and intense action sequences, "Pri(sons)" is a thrilling and suspenseful look into the dark underbelly of the prison system.