Watch The Smurfs Movie (2025) online

The Smurfs Movie (2025)

Storyline The Smurfs Movie (2025)

"The Smurfs" is a live-action/animated comedy directed by Chris Miller. The film follows the adventures of the iconic blue creatures known as the Smurfs, who are forced to flee their village when the evil wizard Gargamel discovers their location. In their attempt to escape, a small group of Smurfs find themselves in the bustling city of New York, where they must find a way to return to their own world before Gargamel captures them. With the help of a kind couple, the Smurfs embark on a hilarious and heartwarming journey full of mischief, friendship, and magic. Will they be able to outwit Gargamel and find their way back home? Find out in "The Smurfs."

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