Watch Cabrini (2024) online

- Year: 2024
- Genre: Biography / New Film
- Quality: Full HD / ULTRAHD 4K
- Country: United States
- Time: 2h 25m
- Director: Alejandro Monteverde
- Stars: David Morse, John Lithgow, Cristiana Dell'Anna, Federico Castelluccio
Storyline Cabrini (2024)
"Cabrini" follows the story of a young aspiring filmmaker named Anna, who travels to the small town of Cabrini in Mexico to work on her latest project. As she delves deeper into the community, she uncovers dark secrets and hidden truths that have haunted the town for generations.
Directed by the talented Alejandro Monteverde, the film explores themes of redemption, loss, and the power of storytelling. As Anna navigates the challenges of making her film, she also finds herself confronting her own inner demons and struggles with her past.
With stunning cinematography and a gripping storyline, "Cabrini" is a haunting and thought-provoking film that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.