Watch Lohusa (2024) online

- Year: 2024
- Genre: Comedy / New Film
- Quality: Full HD / ULTRAHD 4K
- Country: Turkey
- Time: 1h 58m
- Director: Kivanç Baruönü
- Stars: Onur Gürçay, Elif Nur Kerkük, Esra Rusan, Su Sanad
Storyline Lohusa (2024)
"Lohusa" is a Turkish comedy-drama film directed by Kivanç Baruönü. The story follows a young couple, Merve and Emre, as they navigate the ups and downs of parenthood in the weeks following the birth of their first child. As they struggle with sleepless nights, changing dynamics in their relationship, and the challenges of adjusting to their new roles as parents, they also rely on the support of their families and friends to help them through this tumultuous period. With heartwarming moments, humorous situations, and genuine emotions, "Lohusa" offers a realistic and relatable portrayal of the joys and struggles of early parenthood.